The ChartLogic EHR Schedule Resource Configuration system is made to be extremely easy.
The way you read your schedule in ChartLogic EHR is entirely based on resources.
This can include rooms, providers, employees, or anything you could need. To get to the configuration interface, click the Configuration block in the side panel and then Scheduling in the menu.
To edit the Resources, simply click the Edit Resources link in the lower left corner of the Resources card. This will expand the card to the traditional edit view, with fields on the left and added rooms on the right.
The first things you need to do are add your information in the respective text boxes and select the provider from the Provider drop-down box. Then you’ll need to detail availability by selecting the available days and detailing on each day what times that resource should be available. Once you’ve added all your information, simply click Add to add it to your list of resources. If you want to edit a resource, you’ll need to select the category from the list on the right, edit the fields you need, and then click the Save button.