The form builder was refactored into a service that improves speed in the system and allows for more expansion. We have added components that make creating forms easy and new options for these components. We have also added a set of default forms that are common for most practices so you can quickly get up and running with the default forms or alter those to meet your needs more quickly.
Our previous form builder was built in a way that was not easy to use and lacked functionality. We wanted to simplify how to build forms for our customers and present data to patients in a way that was easier to understand. We wanted to also expand what forms could be made and how we reconciled data into the system which required an overhaul of how we enter data.
Below you will find explanations of forms and components and how to use them.
*This new feature does need to be enabled by ChartLogic before it can be used. It is a replacement to the current Intake Forms system and will need to be configured when enabled.
In this version we are using components to create forms. Below is the list of available components and how they work. Each of these components uses attributes to determine component behavior. Each component could have a different set of attributes. There are many attributes that are applied to all components.
Short responses are designed to capture a response to a question. This should be used when you do not require a lot of explanation and expect a short reply. There is 255-character count in this field. It is best to use the Long Response in that case. This can be a required field. Labels can also be hidden if not needed.
Long response is designed to gather a larger amount of information. Here a person can enter a paragraph of text that is easily readable without scrolling. There is a 4000-character limit to this field. This is ideal for when you want to capture a lot of information and want the user to provide a lot of free text. This can be a required field. Labels can also be hidden if not needed.
The date field is used to capture a date. This could be used in conjunction with a response field to know when something occurred. The user can click on the calendar icon to pick from a date or type in the field. This can also be a required field. Labels can also be hidden if not needed. You can change the title and make the date a response to a question. Such as “When was your last procedure?”
Checkboxes allow you to present patient’s options to choose from. This field can be required. You can create as many options as you need and stack them in 1 to 4 columns. Labels can also be hidden if not needed.
Radio buttons are used to choose between options. These work well when you need someone to answer yes and no type questions. Similar to checkboxes, these can be configured from 1 to 4 columns with as many options as needed. It can also be a required field. Labels can also be hidden if not needed.
Drop down boxes allow you to create lists of options for someone to choose from. Add a question or title here and what options for the person to choose in a list. You can add help text to guide the user to click in the drop down and select an item, it can also be a required field. With drop downs they also have an additional mode where they can be nested. This means you can make a selection give an additional drop down to select from. Within those additional responses you can use a short or long response, or another drop down list. This allows you to collect a free text response or list selection. Labels can also be hidden if not needed.
A signature block allows you to capture a patient signature. These are best used for consent forms but can be used in any form type. The user would need to use a mouse or touch pad to provide their signature. The acknowledgement text can be altered as needed. This field can be required. To clear a signature the user clicks the clear signature button. Labels can also be hidden if not needed.
Upload can be used when you want someone to include file documents or pictures with their forms. This could be used to capture a driver’s license or insurance card or to include previous medical historical documents. You can customize the help text, make this a required field, and hide the label text. There is an option to limit the amount of document uploads and you can set the type to a document or image. To use this a patient would click browse. Find the file they want to upload and click open. When files are uploaded and are viewable you will see a preview button. You can also remove the file by clicking the trash can.
Form text is best used when you need to present a large amount of information for someone to read. This component allows you to create a large text document that can be formatted. These are generally used for consent form types of documents but can be used anywhere. This has a text editor to format the text. There is also a label that can be used or hidden.
The Questionnaire component allows the user to ask a series of questions and assign values to responses. Only the practice will see the column totals from those responses. This is great for mental health providers that need to create a GAD-7 or PHQ-9 questionnaire. The top row of the questionnaire is the header row. There is no limit to the number of questions and columns for this table. To add a question, click the add question button, none will be present when you first add the component. This also goes for columns. You will need to add the number value between the parenthesis if you want to have the column totals. You can shift columns left and right and questions up and down. Click into the question or column you want to move then click the arrow button the direction you want it moved.
The Basic Patient Info component allows you to collect or update a patient’s basic information such as first and last name, DOB, address, and phone number. Use this as part of a demographic capture. This information goes into the patient details area in their chart and can be reconciled when new or there is an update. There is a default form called Patient Information already built with this information. This component will allow you to edit what you capture. Any of the fields can be made required, hidden, or reordered. The default is visible and required. You can also align these from 1 to 4 columns.
The Authorized Representatives component provides a way to capture a patient’s authorized representatives. This information goes into the patient details area in their chart and can be reconciled when new or there is an update. By default, all fields are visible and required but can be hidden and not required. These can also be displayed in 1 to 4 columns. There is a default form called Patient Information already built with this information and can be altered if needed.
The Emergency Contact component provides a way to capture a patient’s Emergency contact information. This information goes into the patient details area of the patient’s chart and can be reconciled when new or there is an update. By default, all fields are visible and required but can be hidden and not required. These can also be displayed in 1 to 4 columns and are defaulted to 3. There is a default form called Patient Information already built with this information and can be altered if needed.
The Demographics component provides a way to capture a patient’s gender, race, marital status, etc. This information goes into the patient’s details area in their chart and can be reconciled when new or an update. By default, all fields are visible and required but can be hidden and not required. These can also be displayed in 1 to 4 columns and are defaulted to 3. There is a default form called Patient Information already built with this information and can be altered if needed.
The Employment Info component provides a way to capture a patient’s Employer, occupation, and status. This information goes into the patient details area in their chart and can be reconciled when new or there is an update. By default, all fields are visible and required but can be hidden and not required. These can also be displayed in 1 to 4 columns and are defaulted to 3. There is a default form called Patient Information already built with this information and can be altered if needed.
Below is a list of attributes and how they work. Each component could have a different set of attributes. These are found on the right side of the screen when a form is selected in the form builder and a component has been selected.
Columns allow you to shift fields into more or less columns to help make them easier to view. When there are a lot of fields such as patient info, setting the attribute to 4 columns means you will scroll down less and have more fields in view. This can be set from 1 to 4 depending on preference.
The visible attribute allows a field in a component to be visible or not on a form. When it is unchecked, the field will not be visible. When the blue check is present the field will be visible.
The required attribute makes a field or component required to be completed. If the blue check mark is present, then the component is required, and you cannot complete the form until the field is completed. This is helpful for things such as signature fields when you want to make sure a signature is obtained before a form is submitted. The required flag applies to components as a whole. You cannot set individual checkboxes or radio buttons as required. The required flag applies to the group of buttons in the component. You can add multiple components with checkboxes and radio buttons to force more required selections.
The up/Down arrows allow you to move components or options up/down in a component or form. To move a component, you would select the component and then the arrows are at the bottom of the form to move the component. For the options in the attributes area, you would click the appropriate arrow next to the option you wish to move.
The Name attribute allows you to have a title for a component. This usually also has a Hide Label check box next to it in case you do not want it seen. The name you enter in this field will appear at the top left of the component area.
The Hide Label check box allows you to hide the title of a field. When the check mark is present the title will be hidden from the user.
Help text is used as a placeholder in a field. This gives the user an example or help of what should be entered in a field or component. To use, enter the text you want to be displayed in the field.
The Type attribute just displays what kind of component is being used. This does not change and is only used to display in configuration what attribute is selected.
The Option attribute is used in Drop-down, Radio button and checkbox components. The options attribute is a list of the selections available for a person to select in those components. There is no limit to how many options you can build in a component, they can be reordered using the up/down arrows at the top of the list. To remove any options, click the trashcan icon next to the option. The option list is also used as a sub option when using the nested mode of dropdowns.
The mode attribute is only used on the drop-down component. This allows the user to choose between nested and simple drop downs. The default is set to simple. In simple mode you can create a single drop-down list to select from. In the nested mode you can create a drop-down list and set additional selections based on the option they choose. See also the Nested component attribute.
The Nested Component is only used in the drop-down component. To use these, you must add a drop-down component to a form, then change the mode to Nested. This will allow options in the drop down to have additional drop-down selections or typed responses. There are three options to choose from, Short Response, Long Response and Drop Down. See the component sections for Short Response, Long Response and Drop Downs for information on how they work.
The Acknowledgement text is only used with the signature component. This text is used as a confirmation statement of the signer, that they understand what they are signing. We have provided a default message but can be changed.
Document type is used only for uploads. This allows the user to choose the type of file they are uploading. There are two options to choose from, a document or an image. There are many types of files that can be uploaded, some of which are txt, doc, png, img, jpg and most others.
Files limit is only available on the upload component. This allows you to set the maximum number of files someone can upload at once. The default is 1 but there is no limit to the maximum.
We have provided some default forms to save users time building them from scratch. These are some of the more common types and can be modified or used as templates to create new forms. Below is a list of those forms and what they contain.
Patient information is used to capture a new or existing patient’s personal information. This form information can be reconciled to the patient’s chart. It contains basic patient info, demographics, employment info, and emergency contacts.
This form can be used to capture a patient’s medication history. This is also a good starting point to build similar history capture forms such as social, family or procedure histories. It contains a field for Current and past medications and allergies to medications. Note that this information is not currently reconciled in the system and is stored in the form for future reference. It is not codified data.
The HIPAA notice is designed to deliver the HIPAA privacy notice and capture a patient’s signature that they have read it. This does not contain text and should be updated with the practice’s HIPAA notice text.
The Consent to treat form is designed to capture a patient’s acknowledgment and approval for treatment. It contains generic text that should be updated by the practice before using.
The Patient Health Questionnaire is the industry PHQ-9 standard questionnaire. This is used to capture patient’s responses and score those responses. This can be modified and is a good example of how the questionnaire component can be used.
Creating forms is a straightforward process where you add the components you want to use based on information you want to capture. First you will need to determine what type of information you would like to capture. This will help guide us in what components to use. For instance, if you wanted to build a consent form then generally you would use a form text component to add a large block of text for a patient to read and a signature component to capture their signature acknowledging that they read it.
To build a form, first give it a name. This name field will be what a patient sees when filling out the form. Then give it an internal name, this will be a name only the practice will see. This helps identify the form internally when assigning them to patients.
Then select the type of form from the list. This is used to help with sorting lists within the system. Once all fields are complete, click the Add button. This creates a blank form, and you can begin adding components. You will see the form added to the existing form list on the right of the configuration window.
You can now add as many components as you need by selecting from the component list and clicking the plus button to the right of the list.
There is no limit to how many components can be added to a form. A good general practice is to keep them short and focused on the information you would like to capture. To learn about each component, see the components section in help.
You can also change the order of components. To move a component, click on the component and click the up or down arrow next to the component list.
Once you have finished building the form, click on the save button. Clicking the clear button will delete all components on the form. You can also create a copy of the form by clicking the Duplicate button.
Components can be added or removed from forms quite easily. If you need to add a component open an existing form by clicking on it from the existing form list or by creating a new form. The form displayed in the main window will be in an edit mode, click on the component list.
Select the component you want to add then click the plus to right of the list.
The component is then added to the form. You must hit save before you navigate away from the page to complete the change.
To edit a form, open the configuration area of forms by clicking on Tools from the dashboard. Select Patient Forms and then click on Configure on the top right.
Select the form you want to edit from the existing form list by clicking on it.
You can now add/edit/delete or move the components. To remove a component, click on the component then click the trash can icon on the top right. This will remove the component.
To edit the component, click on the component then change any attributes using the attributes menu on the right.
To move the component select it and then click the arrow buttons at the bottom of the screen next to the component list.
You can create a copy of a form so that you do not have to recreate a form from scratch. To create a duplicated form and make edits, open the form configuration screen. Then select the form you want to copy by clicking on it in the existing form list.
Then scroll to the bottom and click on the Duplicate button.
You will notice the form names now have the word copy added to them. Update the names as needed.
Then scroll to the bottom and click the add button. This completes creating the duplicated form and allows you to make changes. Click the save button when changes are completed to commit them.
If you do not need the form, you can delete it by opening the form and clicking the delete button.
To make it easier for admins to have a collection of forms they can load to specific customers we have added an up/download capability.
To download a form so it can be uploaded to another customer open the forms configuration area. Find the form you want to download. Click the download button next to the form
This will create a copy of the form html that can then be uploaded to another customer.
To upload a form, it needs to first be created and downloaded from the product. Once the form is downloaded, open the form configuration area on the customer where it will be loaded.
Click the upload button at the top right above the existing form area.
In the dialog window click the browse button.
Navigate to and select the form that was downloaded previously. Then click the upload button.
If the name already exists, it will need to be modified before uploading.
Once uploaded it will be available in the existing forms list to be used and edited as needed.