Users now have the ability to manage data elements related to charge codes by accessing the Configuration Menu>Transaction Codes.
The following new fields have been added to allow additional information related to each code:
Code – allows the entry of a code of up to 7 characters in length.
Name – allows an entry of a name of up to 100 characters.
Description – allows an entry of a description containing up to 150 characters.
Charge Code Category – required field to group standard codes for reporting comes from the charge code category configuration.
Charge Amount– numeric amount field – required.
Units – 4-character numeric field – required field- defaults to 1 unit.
Type of Service – required – allows users to select the type of service from a dropdown list.
Place of Service – allows user to select Place of Service from a drop-down list.
Statement Description – allows for entry of a description of up to 150 characters to be displayed on patient statements.
NDC Code – allows for entry of an NDC code.
Users can also select flags for the following parameters: