The ChartLogic EHR card system puts a focus on efficiency, allowing you to be able to see all the cards you need without any you don’t.
To add a card, you’ll need to click the card button in the upper right corner of your patient chart.
From there, you’ll select which card you want from the card drop-down menu. Next, you can title the card what you want and choose which fields will be displayed by clicking the corresponding check box. Lastly, you can even adjust the order of the fields by selecting on and clicking the arrows shown to the right. Remember: smaller width cards are only going to show the first couple fields so priority here matters.
Once you’re back on the patient chart, moving a card is as simple as drag and drop. To pick it up, you’ll simply need to click somewhere in the title bar and hold down the mouse button while you move the card to your desired location, where it will automatically adjust to the new location‘s column-width.