Accurate patient information is vital to providing quality care. ChartLogic provides a variety of methods for recording and recalling patient information that assists providers at the point of care.
Note: If you have a billing software that you enter patients in, an interface can be created to take care of this registration process in the EMR and the registration function will become unavailable. All additions and changes will be made in the billing software with this type of interface.
Note: You can add and rename history subsections. You can do this by going to Configure > History Configuration.
Note: If “Add Item to Patient’s History” is unchecked, the new item will not appear under History Item(s); it will appear under the Item(s) list on the right, however.
5. Click OK.
5. Click OK.
The Problem List is used to document any information that is not necessarily involved in the current health issue but is important to know about the patient.
Note: A problem can be deleted from the list by clicking on the (X) button at the top.
The Review of Systems feature allows you to quickly review patient information.
Note: If “Add to ROS list” is unchecked, the new item will not appear under Review of Systems Item(s) list; it will appear under the Item(s) list on the right, however.