935, 936, 937, 938, 938, 939, 940, 1018 – Various improvements to our C-CDA for better processing with third-party vendors.
665 – Printing from inside an Encounter, Message, or Form will now remain in focus after printing.
1001 – Improved how flowsheets are refreshed/updated within Encounters, Messages, and Forms.
1025 – Updated processing to better receive C-CDAs from the EMR.
Direct Messaging
1025 – Improved communications with for direct messages coming into the EMR and going out from the EMR.
1037 – The EMR has been updated to handle user logins and logouts of the application more efficiently.
We have made various updates in preparation for our new environment to ensure we are compliant with the latest security standards. We are updating our environment during this release, which may cause a conflict when updating the application. If for any reason you have trouble updating the application, you may have to reinstall the ChartLogic EMR. We suggest that you have your IT on standby as we make our transition.