Default Lab Template: Specifies what template you have pre-selected when entering an order.
Voice Options:
Auto Cap On? Automatically capitalizes certain words (first word in a sentence, names, etc.) for users dictating with Dragon Naturally Speaking.
Auto Save Voice Files? Automatically saves all voice files.
Calibration Interval (Days): Sets calibration interval in days.
Is Mic on Entering Exam? Determines if mic is already on when exams are opened.
Playback Mode: Sets to Auto-Transcribe and Review.
Show Voice Soft Keys? Displays voice soft keys.
Transcription Mode: Allows users to delete or leave object.
Voice Filename: Determines how user name will be displayed.
ICD List Options:
ICD List: Specifies whether ICD-10 or ICD-9 and ICD-10 are shown in the Superbill.
ICD Search: Specifies what list is defaulted to when the Superbill is opened.
Auto Add ICD-10 to Default Section: Determines whether ICD-10 codes are added to the ICD-10 Default list when selected using ChartLogic ICD-9 to ICD-10 Lookup tool.