The following are the features and capabilities of Billing Reports. Not every feature described below is available on every Report.
The Reports Menu is located on the main menu bar at the top of the Billing screen (the Scheduling screen also has a Reports menu, but those pertain only to Scheduling). Selecting a Report from the menu will pull up a filter selection dialog box.
Select filters to make the report as broad or specific as is necessary for the task at hand. The example below is the Aging Report filter selection box. By not selecting any specific Provider, Billing Account Type, or Posting Period, the report will encompass all. However, specifying the Days Aged as greater than 60 will weed out the more current charges. Once the filters have been specified, clicking OK brings up the resulting report.
Most of the Reports are dynamic. Data can be grouped, sorted, filtered, and expanded/collapsed. They contain the following elements:
Grouping determines how the data is sorted into categories and subcategories. In the example below, the data is sorted first by Patient and then by Encounter. The Patient row shows the total balance for that Patient. Clicking the plus sign next to the Patient name would reveal rows further breaking down the Patient’s balance by Encounter.
Dragging a column heading into the Grouping area (the white space above the headings) alters how the data is presented. The example below shows what happens when the Rendering Provider header is dragged into the Grouping area and dropped to the left of the Patient header. You may also drag a heading from the Grouping area back into the Header row. Note the difference between how the data appears in the above and below examples.
Arrows on the right side of each header in the Grouping area indicate the sorting order. An up arrow means ascending order, and a down arrow means descending order. Clicking on the header switches between ascending and descending order.
Clicking on any column header row will sort by that column (upon clicking, an up or down arrow will appear to indicate ascending or descending order). However, the sorting is secondary to that of the Grouping categories. So, if the Report in the below example is grouped first by Patient, then by Encounter, if you clicked the Total header, the Totals in each individual Encounter Service would be sorted, not the totals for the Report as a whole. The report is sorted first by Patient, then for each Patient it is further sorted by Encounter, then for each Encounter it is further sorted by Total, as shown below for Patient 677 who has two Encounters listed.
Each column heading has a field beneath it that allows for filtering. Columns with numerical data show a minus sign next to the field, while those with alphanumeric data contain a text symbol. Clicking on either of these symbols provides a drop-down list of operators from which to choose (numerical: equals, greater than, less than, etc.; alphanumeric: starts with, ends with, contains, does not contain, etc.) After selecting the appropriate operator, enter the value to filter by in the field. (i.e. to see all totals greater than 100, select the operator >, and enter the number 100 in the field; to filter an alphanumeric field to all that start with a certain letter, select starts with and type c in the field, as shown below). To undo filtering for a column, click the symbol to the right of the filtering field.
Some Reports, such as the Service Reimbursement Report, have a Choose Columns button in the toolbar. Clicking this button brings up the Show/Hide Columns dialog box which allows you to show or hide columns, depending on which you check or uncheck. After making the desired selections, click the red X to close the dialog box and apply the changes.
Click and drag any column heading to move that column to a different position relative to the other columns.
A plus sign to the left of any row indicates that it contains hidden sub-levels. To expand an individual row, click on the plus sign. Once expanded, the plus sign will become a minus sign; clicking it again will collapse the row. There are also buttons on the toolbar to Expand All and Collapse All. There may be multiple Expand All buttons, depending on how many Grouping levels the Report has, as shown below.
Selecting a row and clicking the Ledger button on the toolbar brings up the Patient ledger with the specified service highlighted in yellow.
Clicking the Details button on the toolbar drills down to the source of the selected row, whether it’s a specific Closing Run, Encounter, etc. Double-clicking on the row does the same.
Clicking the Export to Excel button on the toolbar converts the report into an Excel file that can be saved and allows for more extensive data manipulation, such as math formulas, graphs, etc. Upon clicking Export to Excel, choose All Rows (all detail) or Summaries (top level detail), name the file, and save (see below).
Clicking the Print button on the toolbar sends the report to the printer (or an Adobe .pdf file, if the computer has this software). To print only a specific portion of the Report, select the desired rows, click Print, and then choose Selection rather than All in the Print Range section of the Print dialog box, as shown below.