From the Test Group List Management screen, a user can manage preferred or frequently used test groups by Facility, Caregiver, and Client ID. The test group allows the user to build a group of tests that can be orders under one test name. Often the test associated in one group are done at the same time. By utilizing a test group a user can quickly order multiple test just by selecting a test group instead of selecting many tests.
An admin user can create, modify and delete Facility, Caregiver, and Client ID preference lists.
A Facility test group is a list of tests that are grouped together and can be order by a particular practice facility.
A Caregiver test group is a list of tests that are grouped together and can be ordered by a particular provider.
A Client ID test group is a list of test that are grouped together and can be order by a particular practice. Typically, a Client ID and Facility are one-to-one. Unless explained during the initial setup a practice will build Facility Test Groups instead of Client ID Test Groups.
To create a new preference list click the Create New button. This brings up the Create New Test Code Preference List window.
Complete the Step 1 and Step 4 sections to create a Facility Test Group.
To create a Client ID or Caregiver list Complete Steps 1, 2, and 4.
To edit a Test Group list click on the applicable link under the Group Name column in the Facility, Caregiver, or Client ID sections. Clicking on the link brings up the Test Group Details window.