Users can manage medications without actually prescribing medications using the Manage Medications link.
Note: Medications that you are adding are required to have the Date Started field entered to show in ChartLogic. If you wish to have the medication show on a encounter as a current medication for a new patient, the start date needs to be before the date of service. The reason for this is, is the ChartLogic software will see it as the patient taking the medication to a date before the date of service, and not starting them on the medication on that DOS similar to a prescription.
Note: Medications that you are stopping are required to have the Date Stopped field entered to stop showing in ChartLogic. If you wish to have the medication disappear on a note as a current medication for a patient, the stop date needs to be before the date of service. The reason for this is, is the ChartLogic software will see it as the patient taking the medication on the date of service if you were to specify to stop it on the same day.
The Show Medication History link at the bottom of the Manage Medications window expands the screen to include all medications in the patient’s history. Scroll down to examine all medications. To hide the medical history information, click on Hide Medication History.
All current renewal requests will appear when you log in to ePrescribe. Users can perform an action, enter pharmacy notes, and add comments and then click Perform to proceed with selected actions.