The following voice commands cover the most common functions within the exam screen.
Voice Command | What It Does |
Save and Exit | Saves the note and returns to the main screen |
Cancel | Cancels the note and returns to the main screen |
History | Opens the History screen |
Vitals | Opens the Vitals screen |
Vaccine | Opens the Vaccine screen |
Charts | Opens the Growth Charts screen |
Development | Opens the Development screen |
Diet | Opens the Diet screen |
Superbill | Opens the Superbill screen |
Prescription | Opens the Prescription screen |
Save and Finish | Saves and finishes the report and returns to the main screen |
Help | Clicks the Help button |
Go to | Moves to the next bracket [] |
Smart text | Opens the SmartText screen |
Delete smart text | Deletes the last SmartText you inserted |
Fax | Faxes the report |
Confidential information | Opens the Confidential Information screen |
Addendum | Opens the Addendum screen |
Illustrator | Opens the Illustrator screen |
Referral Reply Letter | Opens the Referral Reply Letter screen |
Vitals | Opens the Vitals screen |
SmartText | Opens the SmartText screen |
New Order | Opens the Orders screen
Documents | Opens the Documents screen |
Prints | Opens Print window |
New Message | Opens a New Message |
Quick allergies | Opens Quick Picks for allergies |
Quick CPT | Opens Quick Picks for CPT |
Quick Diagnosis | Opens Quick Picks for diagnosis |
Quick family history | Opens Quick Picks for family history |
Quick illnesses | Opens Quick Picks for illnesses |
Quick operations | Opens Quick Picks for operations |
Quick prescription | Opens Quick Picks for prescription |
Quick social history | Opens Quick Picks for social history |
Select (word grouping) | Selects the word grouping you say |
Select again | Selects the next same word grouping |
Select (word) through (word) | Selects all text from the first word through the last word you say |
Type (letter or number) | Types letter or number you say |
Press delete | Presses the delete key |
Press shift home | Highlights everything to the left of the cursor |
Press shift end | Highlights everything to the right of the cursor |
Press home | Moves the cursor to beginning of line |
Press end | Moves the cursor to end of line |
Page up | Moves the cursor up one page |
Page down | Moves the cursor down one page |
Copy that | Copies to the clipboard the highlighted word(s) in note |
Paste that | Pastes whatever is in clipboard at the blinking cursor |
Cut that | Cuts and sends to the clipboard the highlighted word(s) in note |
Scratch that | Erases last word or phrase spoken |
Cap that | Capitalizes the last word or phrase spoken/selected |
No caps that | Lowercases the last word or phrase spoken/selected |
Press Alt (CL menu shortcut key) | Runs the command associated with the button or menu item within ChartLogic |