Enter information for any resource that needs to be reserved for appointments (i.e. doctors, nurses, PAs, therapists, procedure rooms, equipment, etc.).
Note that each appointment resource has a menu of options on the left-hand side of the screen (see screenshot below). The first is the Information screen, which contains the following fields:
Now that you have created and saved your resource, the next step is to assign the appropriate Appointment Types, as well as the duration for each type. The length of time can be different for each Resource. In our example, both Dr. Welby and Dr. Kildare have New Patient appointments; Dr. Welby takes 30 minutes, whereas Dr. Kildare only takes 15 minutes for this Appointment Type.
Now that the Schedule Blocks are defined, select the blocks that are relevant to each Resource. The example below shows Dr. Welby’s selected Schedule Blocks.
Now that you have selected all of your Resource’s relevant Appointment Types and Schedule Blocks, you are ready to create a Template of their work schedule. What the Template does is map out their appointment calendar with respect to what types of appointments they will take at what site and at what time and date. In turn, this controls the Appointment Finder, so that when you ask the program find the first available New Patient appointment, for example, the system will search only those time slots that contain the New Patient Schedule Block.
The first step in creating a Template is to map out the Provider’s week on paper, answering the following questions for each day:
For our example, Dr. Welby keeps the following weekly schedule: Monday/Wednesday/Friday (Main office):
Tuesday (Main office in the AM, Elm office in the PM):
Thursday (Elm office):
When finished, a week’s Template as described above will look like this:
The following is an example of how one of the Template Schedule Blocks (M/W/F, 9-11AM, New Patient) is set up. The fields are self-explanatory.
Repeat this procedure for each Schedule Block within the week’s template. By using the Range of Recurrence to whichever point in the future you wish, you should be able to template one week and then let every block within that week recur indefinitely into the future or to a specific end date.
Once you have created the template for one Resource’s schedule, move on to the next Resource and complete the process again, starting with creating the Resource, assigning the appropriate Appointment Types and Schedule Blocks, and then creating the Schedule Block Template. Once finished, your appointment calendar should look like the example below, showing where each Resource is during certain blocks of time and the types of appointments for which they are available.