Creating knowledge base article
To create a Knowledge Base posts go to Knowledge Base > Add New, enter title, post content and click Publish button to save.
Knowledge Base plugin best displays posts grouped into categories. Tags can also be assigned to posts. Create categories under Knowledge Base > Categories and assign post to these categories.
Setting main knowledge base page
Create a page under Pages > Add New, then navigate to PressApps > Knowledge Base > Main Page underMain Knowledge Base Page setting select the page you have just created and click Save Changes.
The selected page will now display knowledge base articles on front end. PressApps > Knowledge Base > Main Page tab provides additional layout options for main page. Content and its order can be set with drag and drop Layout setting:
Plugin Features
Plugin options settings are located under PressApps > Knowledge Base.
Drag & drop article reorder
Navigate to PressApps > Knowledge Base > General and enable Drag & Drop Reorder setting. Now you can reorder knowledge base posts and categories using drag and drop under Knowledge Base > All Knowledge Base and Knowledge Base > Categories.
Article voting
Allow users to give feedback on articles by displaying Like / Dislike voting button under each content on single article page. Enable voting under PressApps > Knowledge Base > Voting. Vote counts for each article can be found under Knowledge Base >> All Knowledge Base page.
You can display list of knowledge base articles on any page or post using a shortcode. Shortcode generator is located on post editor “Add Shortcode”.
Adding knowledge base widgets
Plugin has two three widgets: Knowledge Base Search, Knowledge Base Categories and Knowledge Base Articles. To setup a widgets navigate to Appearance > Widgets and use the drag and drop interface to drop the widget into the desired theme sidebar area.