When an individual who is new to your practice calls to make an appointment (or shows up as a walk-in), the first step will be to create a new Patient in MBSWin. The following is a summary of the steps for registering a Patient:
When registering a patient, always search the Patient database first to prevent creating a duplicate. Even if the individual is a new patient, they may already be in the system as a Person (i.e. individual with no Patient ID, usually someone else’s guarantor, emergency contact, or insurance policy subscriber).
Example: to find an individual named Peter Pan, whose Patient ID is 12 and DOB is 02/15/1965, any of the following are valid search terms:
We recommend always using the DOB to verify that you located the correct individual, as multiple people could share the same name (for this example, we’ll search by the last name Pan).
Search results will be displayed as shown below. Once displayed, you can continue to type additional information (more of the first name, birth date, any part of their address) to continue to narrow your search.
In the example above, we can see that Peter Pan is already in the system as a Patient, since he has an ID number. Wendy Pan is an example of someone in the system as a Person only (note lack of ID).
To see the difference between a Person and a Patient, you can double-click on each to view their form. The form on the left represents a Person, while the one on the right represents a Patient. Note that the form for the Patient has an ID number as well as additional fields, tabs, and toolbar buttons, while the Person only contains basic Demographic and Billing Account information.
The results of your search will determine how to proceed. If the individual is already in the system as a Patient (i.e. there is an individual in the system with the same name and DOB that already has a Patient ID), do not create a new Patient. Skip the Patient Registration process altogether and refer to the Edit Patient section of this manual for the steps to update the Patient record with the individual’s current information (e.g. change of address, new insurance, etc.).
Only perform the following Patient Registration steps if the individual is not in the database at all or is only in the database as a Person (no Patient ID).
A new Patient form will open (if Making a Person a Patient, it will pull in all data contained in the Person record). However, the Billing & Insurance and Appts/Encounters tabs will be grayed out (see below).
These are the bare minimum fields you must populate in order to save the Patient record. The required fields will suffice for the purpose of scheduling an appointment. However, in order to perform billing functions, the rest of the relevant data must be entered. Some practices get this information over the phone at the time of booking, while others collect the necessary data later by having the patient fill out a paper form.
The left side of the screen contains all of the basic Demographic information (name, address, phone, DOB, etc.). Fill in as much of this information as you have available.
Some of these fields are specific to certain specialties. An explanation of the fields is as follows:
Note: Clicking the magnifying glass pulls up a separate table in which you can use Find to search and select the appropriate entry to populate the field.
Note: Clicking the icon on the left brings up more information on the entry if the field is populated (icon will be in color when available).
The record will be assigned an ID number and the rest of the tabs now become available for data entry.
The Billing Account identifies more information about the account (COPAY amount, Self Pay, Non-Billable etc) and the Guarantor (person responsible for this patient’s account). A patient could have more than one Billing Account. When posting Encounters (charges) you can select the correct Billing Account for the Date of Service.
If the patient is the Guarantor:
The Billing Account window will open, and the patient’s name will automatically populate the guarantor field.
If the patient is NOT the Guarantor:
You will be brought to the Guarantor search window.
You will be brought to the Billing Account search window.
The Billing Account form will appear, auto populated with the name of the Person you just created.
The selected or newly created Billing Account will now appear as a row in the Billing Accounts section of the Patient Billing & Insurance tab.
The Insurance Coverage section of the Billing & Insurance tab identifies the Patient’s insurance coverage. The Patient may have more than one active Insurance Plan, the first one on the list being the primary insurance (To change the order of the patient’s existing insurance coverage, select an Insurance Plan by clicking on it, then use the Move Up/Move Down buttons to determine its place on the list). Active Insurance Plans are indicated by a check mark in the Active box on the right of the row.
Use the following steps to add Insurance Coverage to a Patient.
The Insurance Policy form will appear (the image below illustrates an Add Self—note the Subscriber field auto- populated with the Patient name).
Be sure to select the Insurance Plan with the correct address, as there may be multiple entries for the same insurance company(see below), or click New to add a new Insurance Plan if you don’t find the one you’re looking for.
You will be returned to the Insurance Policy form.
If the subscriber is not in the table, click New, enter the required information, and Save. Note: You are adding a Person; the screen looks just like the left side of the Add Patient screen, except the only required fields are Last Name and First Name (although you may add as much information as you have available, e.g. DOB, etc., which will be required for claim submission).
Once you have selected or created the Subscriber, you will be returned to the Insurance Policy form.
The Insurance Plan will be added as a row in the Insurance Coverage section of the Patient Billing and Insurance tab.
The Eligibility Request form will come up, as shown below.
A report will pop up with the results, as shown below. Available information on the patient’s type of coverage will vary by payer.
A green check denotes that eligibility was verified for the DOS listed. A question mark denotes that the eligibility was not verified. For more details on any past Eligibility check, double-click on the desired row and a report like the one above will appear.
Use notes to add useful information about the account. There are five types of special notes you can add to a Patient: Flash, Stop, and Statement, Encounter, and Tickle.
Use the following steps to create a new Patient Note:
A Note form will appear (see below).
The Note will be added as a row in the Notes section of the Patient Billing and Insurance tab.
The information on the Extended Demographics tab is required only if you are interfacing MBSWin with an EMR system.