The Appts/Encounters tab on the Patient record allows you to do the following:
The Patient Appointments section shows a list of all the Patient’s scheduled appointments, including past appointments. It also shows whether each appointment is confirmed, canceled, no-show, or rescheduled. You cannot drill down or edit appointments from this screen; you must go into MBSWin Scheduling to do so.
When a provider informs staff to recall a patient within a specific timeframe, enter a recall reminder for a patient. A report and address labels can be produced by specified date range in order to contact the patients and schedule an appointment. Recalls can be deleted by selecting the desired row and clicking Delete on the toolbar. Perform the following steps to add a Patient Recall:
A blank Patient Recall form will appear, as shown below.
The Recall you just created will appear as a new row on the Patient Recalls list.
For a Patient who receives services while at a hospital, nursing home, or other facility, a Facility Admission is required. Perform the following steps to add a Facility Admission to a Patient:
A blank Facility Admission form will appear with the Patient name defaulted in, as shown below.
The Encounters section lists all the Patient’s Encounters. Double-clicking on any row opens the selected Encounter in a separate window for review. Column sorting and sub-sorting by header is also available within this encounter grid.